Thursday, September 27, 2007

As we are clearing out many of our files in the bureacracy we have discovered many photographs of the People's Democratic Republic of Path that have not been seen, let alone published, ever. Now if a person in the back will dim the lights and flip the switch on the projector we can look at several areas of Path previously unknown to the outsider.
Our first photo is a space satellite (opposed to observation aircraft [we deny any claims of evil doing; this is for the common good!] in other photos) of eastern Path. This area opens up to a large ocean that extends all the way to Englesim. The eastern ocean is warm (opposed to the fairly cool temperature of the western ocean) (which keeps the eastern coast in the low 70's in winter and upper 90's in summer with a low humidity) and is filled with small islands and many active volcanic sites. To clarify the western ocean is the lake-like water in the southwest and the easter ocean in in the archepelago in the northeast.

This photograph is of a western coastal city called Portage (pronounced Poor-AHge). It is a small fishing town with a few corn, fish, and meat processing plants but is rather boring. Of note though is its ideal location in a small flat area that provides protection from storms and allows runoff to pool here providing fresh water for the town. This was this the second oldest city in Path the availbility of fresh water AND the ocean, plus the decent farming to the south (right inthe picture) was a plus once they dared venture out beyond their small depression.
This shot is from the widely forgotten Kerouc Isles (I do believe I am spelling that rong). These islands were only inhabitated by natives until the 1800's when the controlling Spansims thought there might be some wealth there. These island were ignored because of their rough landscapes or appearance of being empty. This city of Kawa (KAAH-wah) has been growing but fairly slowly due to the fact that they are in the FREAKIN' OCEAN. Uh...that was just a minor slip for the great leader of Path but I'm fine. The Keroucans were the second people to support Path in its uprising as they have been wronged by Eursims since the 1400's and they were fairly poor.
A fairly old photo taken from a prototype color camera before Kawa expanded from an early village to a city. This lake is of particular interest to state biologists as a type of tree rarely found in the Path mainland flourishes here on the islands; the cottonwood and birch. There seems to be something in this small lake that promotes their growth....

Monday, September 24, 2007

Neblina, La Ciudad de

Today we return to Las Crucitas. Recently the government approved an advertisement campaign advertising the province and its urban center; Neblina. Attracted by it's warm climate (the easter ocean stays much warmer and keeps the land directly adjacent fairly warm all year) many people are now settling here. This city occurs along the canyon that connects the two oceans (technically they are one because this canyon is not a river persay). It has been on the grow for about 50 years but this has made the growth exponential. This is an evening shot of the western side of the city (the main part and slightly poorer). This is where all the business occurs and where the majority of the population lives. The town isn't in the greatest shape but it is shaping up to be the next cosmopolitan center in Path.
The island of Las Crucitas with its large swaths of Oakaple forests (a mixture of oak and maple). The 4 things grown here are corn, peanuts, sugar cane, athestic plants, and wheat. You'll notice that there are no natural water sources on the island making it an unprobable choice for farming but the Spansims arrived with the technology to draw water from the Earth and built many water towers (only 1 highly efficent one is still on the island as most of the water comes from the main land now)
This area is the eastern side of the Occidental Canyon on Cedar hill. This was named for the large amount of cedar trees on the hill used to build the single family homes. The single family homes are of medium size and are inhabitated by generally wealthy people (property values sky rocketed as Neblina expaned to include this suburb. The area that crowns the hill is a protected forest (a strange place but it had to stop the rampant development)

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Monday, September 17, 2007

A Slight Explanation

Palm trees just don't grow in the rich soil of Path. All other species out compete them and they only grow in sandy areas (there are essentially none). There was an attempt to introduce them for a resort but they soon became corrupted (i.e. they reproduced with other local trees and they either produced palm tree stalks with maple leaves or pine tree trunks with palm leaves). Scientists are currently investigating this in 2 of our multiple science labs (the New Corksland location and the one in West Path [Mt. Robson])

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Las Crucitas

As expected the Pathianian military defeated the SimNation military swiftly and they have agreed to all our demands in exchange for our military not squishing them like the cockroaches they are. BUT today we have a spotlight on a little noticed province (most likely due to its miniscule population of 2,o00) of Las Crucitas. This community is only an island which is the only inhabitated part of the province. The island was founded by Spansims in 1492 (ORT) who were exploring to find new fertile lands. As seen in this picture there are two volcanic cones which formed the island thousands of years ago. This is a curse and a blessing because in the larger one has a thermal power plant but the small one has a nuclear missile silo (constructed just before the Pathian/SimNational War) which would detonate if the volcano ever erupted (not likely). The town visible here is called Casa del Gobierno (named when it was the Spansim HQ until 1853 when they were ousted from the area).
In Casa del Gobierno there is a small down town area with shops and such and a few apartment zones plus some small single family homes. The people here are generally poor but there is little crime because they have tight bonds with each other and see no need to fight for wealth. The people here either work in the shops, in the peanut fields (the main crop of the island since ancient times), or in the Globnex factory.
The Globnex factory. The majority of the people on the island work here. The factory makes many different things but all it is random shit that is sold to Amerisims. The factory for all of its olden appearance it is a fairly modern factory.
This is the Casa Paolo and the Colonel's Mansion. Paolo used to be the controlling family of the island with their peanut growing operation. When SimNation took over and capitalized the area the farms were bought out by the Pedrianna family (long stories that need to be told about them) and the workers were placed under a cruel yoke. The Colonel's Mansion used to be home of the provinicial governer in the times of the Spansims but has become a historical monuement