Monday, September 24, 2007

Neblina, La Ciudad de

Today we return to Las Crucitas. Recently the government approved an advertisement campaign advertising the province and its urban center; Neblina. Attracted by it's warm climate (the easter ocean stays much warmer and keeps the land directly adjacent fairly warm all year) many people are now settling here. This city occurs along the canyon that connects the two oceans (technically they are one because this canyon is not a river persay). It has been on the grow for about 50 years but this has made the growth exponential. This is an evening shot of the western side of the city (the main part and slightly poorer). This is where all the business occurs and where the majority of the population lives. The town isn't in the greatest shape but it is shaping up to be the next cosmopolitan center in Path.
The island of Las Crucitas with its large swaths of Oakaple forests (a mixture of oak and maple). The 4 things grown here are corn, peanuts, sugar cane, athestic plants, and wheat. You'll notice that there are no natural water sources on the island making it an unprobable choice for farming but the Spansims arrived with the technology to draw water from the Earth and built many water towers (only 1 highly efficent one is still on the island as most of the water comes from the main land now)
This area is the eastern side of the Occidental Canyon on Cedar hill. This was named for the large amount of cedar trees on the hill used to build the single family homes. The single family homes are of medium size and are inhabitated by generally wealthy people (property values sky rocketed as Neblina expaned to include this suburb. The area that crowns the hill is a protected forest (a strange place but it had to stop the rampant development)

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Blogger Joe said...

Two things: 1) Titling this "La Ciudad de" is totally against the theme, far as I can tell; 2) Labels!; 3) This is here just to piss you off and to tell you something very, very important: your mom.

5:40 PM  
Blogger A Crazed Bush Hating Socialist said...

Let me tell you this.
If you had really pissed me off you be in the back of an ambulance.

6:50 PM  

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