Thursday, April 19, 2007

MEGA UPDATE (not really)

New update. Got these over Spring Break
This one is from Ostrop. This is a new corporation in Ostrop providing 1800 jobs that are badly needed. Why I say this is there is a strange phenomenon going on in Ostrop; there is negative demand for business but the demand for housing is astronomical. I can't seem to trace the problem but somehow it must be linked to the high education and health values of Ostrop (the strange thing is that a majority of the population is 50-60 years old).
This one is from the corporation of Erbil. This is a small town to the west it is developed in a flat part of the bottom of a small crater that was from the impact of several meteroids early in the 17th century ORT (this area has actually been long settled but only recently modern farming techniques have tamed the relatively low hills).
Another town in Erbil. This one is to the south along the coast on a small penninsula (barely so...its kind of a lump poking out that completes a bay). It is a simple town with a developing industry center (surprisingly they are mostly high tech plants for making local corn into ethanol)
These are just some farms from Erbil...just pretty cool looking.


Sunday, April 01, 2007

Only One Decent Photo

I was lazy and only got 1 decent photo of anything interesting

This is Sim State's Agriculural Expirementation Plots. These were constructed after the federal government threatened to withdraw all grants and funding to the college if a agriculural program was not instituted. Their response was the development of a expirmental program that would grow both current staples and plants that would be a viable source of food in the near future. This was a positive for the Path region as farm production was lagging and this whole project is being paid for by the government