Tuesday, February 06, 2007

New Update!

These pictures are of 1) The first high tech development and 2) The slums that send workers to the local factories. I do have a backstory for the slums here historically and from in game. First the historical connection. These slums are in the 'barbell' style that was extremely popular in New York City and other American cities around the turn of the century. They are about 3 stories tall (as in game) and hold about 4 familes a floor with about 6 people a family (including extended family that just arrived in America). They were terribly cramped and only the front (and somtimes the back) had windows. In the tiny spaces (they are classified as "airshafts" for no reason as they do not provide any air at all) garbage filled it and it reeked all year round.

The backstory in game is that there was a fresh batch of Jewsim immigrants in sim year 1914 and they only could get jobs at the local box factory (partially visible in the upper right corner of the first shot). They had come with the hopes of buying a house on the west side of the highway but many were just caught in the machine of capitalism and were stuck in the slums. Their fourtunes may change though...


Blogger Joe said...

You know their fortunes won't change ;) Not after reading The Jungle. Good history, you've actually been listening in APUSH. I like how the immigrants are Jews (hmm...) and work at the local box factory.

In terms of the screenies...
1. I suppose for your purpose of talking about dumbbell tenements those Maxis-made ones are great. You may want to add some variety though as you go along. Not all tenements were built like that.
2. Try mixing up your industrial manufacturing areas with don miguel's Hunter's Warehouse and the Domingo Sugar plant, both available on the STEX.

3:11 PM  
Blogger A Crazed Bush Hating Socialist said...

Are they growables? Thats what I want...

6:43 PM  
Blogger Joe said...

Of course they are... just look at the descriptions when you search for them. Search "Hunter's" and "Domino Sugar" in STEX search (yes, it's "domino" no "domingo" like in my previous post) They should tell if they come with growables, but I know for sure those two do. You'll be getting your region back from me soon enough, and you'll get my entire 1 gig folder of beautifully sorted plugins :)

7:13 PM  
Blogger A Crazed Bush Hating Socialist said...

beautiffally sorted my ass...chaos reigns for a reason whih is slightly paradoxial.

The best is a nice long alpabetical list of what is and whats not.

PS do u use the My Documents folder or the one buried under a million layers of maxis files?

6:08 PM  
Blogger Joe said...

It would be hell to use the maxis "buried" one. I just put it in My Documents. Besides, all the installers put stuff there.

7:08 PM  

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