First Update! Wewt!
OK Development has been going smoothly in Ostrop (typo in earlier post). Had some trouble with making money for awhile but that is corrected and I am now making a profit of about $1000 monthly (profits and debts really pile up on a monthly scale rather than yearly). There has been some low density, low wealth population for a long time but once some medium desity was zoned on the wrong side of the freeway the wealthier people moved on in. Now for the pictures!
This is the first office development in Ostrop...Im so proud *sniffles* . Notice the spotlight advertising the Grand Opening at Starkey Office Furniture and Supplies
This is some cliff top houses with the seasonal trees I planted. These were started by three families around 1900 to gain the great view of the Stagg River and the farms on the other side.
This is just some houses in the northern most neighborhood that is called the Dutch District. Really has nothing do with the ethnicity of the people rather that the cliffs to the west are name Dutch Cliffs after a explorer named Will Dutch discovered and climbed them in 1678.
This is the first apartment development in Ostrop. At this point there were already about 2,000 people here. Although the apartments are quite shabby these were just temporary until more medium wealth homes were put up over some poorer homes. After these residents poorer people would move here.
Another post later I think I reached photo limit. Remember we will be on this town for awhile as it is the designated national capital of Path and I want decent development here before wer move onto another town.
This is the first office development in Ostrop...Im so proud *sniffles* . Notice the spotlight advertising the Grand Opening at Starkey Office Furniture and Supplies
This is some cliff top houses with the seasonal trees I planted. These were started by three families around 1900 to gain the great view of the Stagg River and the farms on the other side.
This is just some houses in the northern most neighborhood that is called the Dutch District. Really has nothing do with the ethnicity of the people rather that the cliffs to the west are name Dutch Cliffs after a explorer named Will Dutch discovered and climbed them in 1678.
This is the first apartment development in Ostrop. At this point there were already about 2,000 people here. Although the apartments are quite shabby these were just temporary until more medium wealth homes were put up over some poorer homes. After these residents poorer people would move here.
Another post later I think I reached photo limit. Remember we will be on this town for awhile as it is the designated national capital of Path and I want decent development here before wer move onto another town.
Nice, but a couple of things...
1. Download Jeronij's streetside trees mod. It will make your neighborhoods much more interesting.
2. Get rid of the brick high-wealth street mod. It looks like shit.
3. You might want to work on the terrain under the sunken freeway - looks like you've got some graphics bugs.
4. Nice slummy slum, the don miguel poor rowhouses look nice.
5. Do continue with this ;)
1) I personally like the brick streets (they do look bad in certain places but when a high wealth neightborhood comes together well lets just say Beverly Hills aint got nothing on me.
2) The STEX is such a great place.
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