Sunday, March 04, 2007


He y'all its been awhile since I rapped at ya (dont get that reference do ya?) but I got some new stuff from Ecorse. Ecorse has been on the grow...apparently Ostrop isnt as desirable as it seemed in the ads (I'm great at PR) and Ecorse was really the only option unless you wanted to live in a little hick town. Ecorse is approxamatley the same area as Ostrop but there is only a 12,500 pop. (compared to Ostrop's 80,000).
In the few years that Ecorse has been around the constuction industry has boomed..and busted ( Ecorse had a housing limit for several years to restrict immigrant housing purchases) thus leading to several people having to take up in these cheaper apartments. So far the only places to have apartments have been the Waterfront and Chopin Hill districts.

This is a new luxury district way to the east on the cliffs. The area has a lot of ponderosa pines and a beautiful view of the sea from on the cliffs. The area is under-developed as the cliffs were not a desirable area (for somewhat apparent reasons) until later.

Another sign of suburbia...a hyundai dealer. 'Nuff said.

1st Church of Our Lord has setup in Ecorse. The diocese procured this land in a corrupt bargain with native sims. They emptied a burial pit and filled it with water to form the pond. The memorial is a Christsim for all the locals that perished in Simworld War II in ORT 1945.


Blogger Joe said...

"The area is under-developed as the cliffs were not a desirable area... until later." What, did they have a fear of heights or what?

Christians moving in... ain't it scary? You should use the Greywood Church (search it) and start a televangelist club or something. Show the battlefields from the Simworld War II. Be sure to add a naval base as Ostrop and Ecorse require greater defenses both at sea and in the air.

3:34 PM  
Blogger Joe said...

Nevermind, it's "Greystone Church".

3:38 PM  
Blogger A Crazed Bush Hating Socialist said...

wood stone its all the same when you have a steel penis

Well they couldnt develop the proper support systems and until they figured that out...well they had a fear of heights.

3:42 PM  
Blogger Joe said...

Steel, eh?...

What's your Simtrop username? You can email it if you don't want spam.

7:13 PM  
Blogger A Crazed Bush Hating Socialist said...

j00 know it now

6:05 PM  

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