Monday, February 19, 2007

More Stuff From Ostrop

While the archeologists try to figure out how to make money I have some more pictures for my limited auidience!
This is the New Center project in Ostrop. Although the area will develop it is in its early stages and the workers tenements are still here. At one end is the brand new Ostropia campus of Path State University and at the other is the Ostropia Museum of Natural History. The reflecting pond here was actually a real pond but was sized down to fit between the new roads and the two learning centers. A ripple effect is being felt all through out Ostrop. There have been a growing number of smaller single family homes to the west because many apartment dwellers have been finally able to sell their apartments to newcomers looking for work.
Ah an interesting piece of arcetcture here! This building is The Left Boot Shoe Shop and was originally planned to be a regular building but City Council was able to convince and later finance the owner's contstruction of the boot. I'm not really supposed to tell you about it but it was more of a grab for tourists than anything as Ostrop isn't very attractive to tourists besides its 2 museums (the Natural History and the Simworld War I museum [sevveral battles were actually fought in the surrounding countryside]).

This small neighborhood (ghetto if you will) was constructed in the late 1950's as a last dieing hope of the CCC (Cims Cilling Chimees [Chimees is a slur against foreigners]) to isolate the jewsims. At this time in 1952 the City Council was controlled by several men who were members of the CCC and "elected" with the help of the Ostrop Politcal Machine. They sucessfully passed the Jewsim Exclusion Act which allowed for the alotment of 2 city blocks every 5 years for a jewsim ghetto. A clause in this act which was inserted by more liberal politicians would stop construction and extraction for another 5 years (1957). 2 years later (1954) Blue Party sims came to power and made liberal and progressive movements and repealed the 1952 act. Although they repealed that the corllary remained in place and in 1957 the jewsims were rounded up and placed in this area. The original act stated they were to stay permanetly but City Council had found a clause in the original act that stated if it was repealed the jewsims must stay for a minimum of 2 years. Ostropians being loyal, law-abiding citizens followed this faithfully for 2 years and in 1959 most of the jewsims re-assimilated into society but some remained and thusly this neighborhood remains.


Blogger Joe said...

I won't ask where the boot came from...

Nice ghetto. I have a problem with those don miguel lofts in that I get a bunch of random trees growing out the back. Guess I'll have to fix that...

How much time do you spend on these backstories? As much time as you do on those ridiculous stories at the lunch table?

7:33 PM  
Blogger Joe said...

I feel accomplished. I finally deleted Churchill Philosophy. YESSS!!!

11:48 AM  
Blogger A Crazed Bush Hating Socialist said...

I told you I am the master of bs stuff. Give me a screw and Ill build 5 houses. I just need 1 deatail (i.e picture)

8:05 PM  

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